From Los Angeles Back to Prague - Alena

Where are you from?

I am from the east of Czech Repubic. Born in Vyškov, raised in Brno.

Where did you used to live?

I used to live in Los Angeles. Before that, I also lived in Germany shortly and in the UK.

Why did you move to LA?

I wanted to study acting and work as an actor. I felt like there was not enough of leading female characters that wouldn’t portray women in schematic and misogynist manners in my country. I wanted to go where series like The Affair or later on Big Little Lies were made. I wanted to experience the unknown and not just stay in the same theatre, playing Shakespeare until I die.

How long did you live there?

My lease was for 1 year and seven months, but I was in LA on and off for about 3 years.

What did you do there?

I ended up doing theatre, stand up and started writing. I was exercising a lot - it’s LA:) Looking back, I would have never looked at myself as the author, screenwriter and producer, which is what I do now besides acting. I was very ashamed for my thoughts back in the Czech Republic and I felt like I had nothing to tell to the world. As an actor, you change for the directors and characters, but it’s hard to know who you are and what do you got to say. I considered myself amazing at crying and being dramatic before I went to LA. I found my funny side through experiencing things that were new and shocking to me and humor was my way of coping with everything.

What is your favorite memory of living there?

The long brunches on weekends, the drives towards sunsets and the happy hour rooftops. I loved how you could be in Downtown one day and then experience Malibu the day after that. Malibu Pier is the place where I calm down the most for sure. I also loved staying in the Hills as well as my WeHo apartment furnished with flea market furniture (the Fairfax one is my favorite). I loved Silverlake and Loz Feliz. It was the memories with my friends that made those places the most precious though. So mostly simple moments with friends in beautiful and glamorous or not so glamorous places.

Why did you decide to move back to Prague?

For work and love. As an actor, it is easier to get work in your home country. I also fell in love with a Swedish man living in Poland. I had a strong gut feeling when I moved out to LA and I had that same feeling moving back. I knew it was the right thing to do, but it broke my heart anyway. I feel like there is no way you can live your life to the fullest and not have your heart broken. Moving around is is so exciting, but it also means a lot of confusion and sometimes trauma.

How has your life changed after your experience of living in Los Angeles?

I don’t care about what people think of me that much. The whole nation adored and/or mocked my journey to LA as I was writing columns about it, but nobody knows you really or cares about you truly. Everyone thinks of themselves, so you better have fun trying the impossible rather than fitting in.

Any regrets / teachable moments?

Tons! But I can only forgive the people who hurt me and hopefully the people I hurt forgave me. After all, it is the one who doesn’t forgive who is burdened the most.


From Los Angeles to Prague - Lenka