Austin + NYC, USA - Tereza


Where are you originally from?

Prague, Czech Republic

What is your profession?

I run an online health & wellness business and teach people how to make money using social media.

How long have you lived in United States?

7 years

Why did you move to US?

I moved here to go to The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute.


What is particular about US culture? You lived in NY and now are in Austin. Can you also describe that difference?

Two very different places! I left New York in the summer of 2019 and I know the city has undergone a tremendous transformation since then. I can only speak to the place that NYC used to be when I lived there in 2014-2019. 

People in Austin are more easy going and definitely a lot friendlier than your average New Yorker haha! Texas is like a country of its own in many ways, and Texans are proud of that. I love the combination of great food, cowboy aesthetic, great music and fun culture. You definitely can’t get around without a car - you’ll be driving pretty much everywhere unlike New York. That’s definitely one of the things I miss! Although NYC subway in the summer heat is no treat! 

The fall, winter & spring are all very mild and beautiful in Austin. I love that winters don’t get that cold here and you can spend time outdoors. The summers make up for that in some respect - Texas gets hot y’all! July & August are best spent by the water. I love that there’s more space here, people aren’t as on top of each other as in NY which is maybe why they’re able to be friendlier. There are so many creative people here, just like in NYC. You have so many outdoor activities at your fingertips - hiking, waterfalls, kayaking, SUP and more. NY does have a special kind of electric energy buzzing through the streets that I sometimes miss here. It has a way of making you feel like you’re “in the middle of it all” which can be such a high! 

What is your favorite thing about NY and Austin?

I guess I kind of answered that in the previous question haha! 

New York: that energy buzz you get when walking in the city 

Austin: outdoor music venues and amazing food

What would you recommend to people who are thinking of moving to a) the US and then to either NY or Austin?

Moving to the US: Largely depends on the particular circumstances and reasons for their move. Get acquainted with the rental market in the city you’re moving to so that you can spot a good deal. Immerse yourself in the culture as much as possible - if you want to experience life in America, have American friends - don’t just hang out with internationals or people from your home country. Even though that is fun too! Spend Thanksgiving with an American family - it’s my favorite holiday. Read ingredient labels - food as well as other products that you bring into your home (specifically personal care & cleaning) - those things work very differently here than in Europe and the rules are a lot more relaxed. Buy high quality food - for the same reasons. 

What are some things that in your opinion people do not realize about US?

It truly is the “land of the free” - which is one of my favorite things about this country. Possibilities are limitless. You can reinvent yourself as many times as you like. Innovation in so many fields flourishes here. But it also means there won’t be anyone to come running to save you when you get in trouble - a concept we’re very accustomed to in Europe. I ultimately think this is a better model, but it takes a little bit of adjustment for a European. 

Similarly, no one is watching out for your health. There is no guarantee that the products sold in stores or the food you buy won’t have very adverse effects on your well-being. You have to be your own advocate & become a bit of a researcher. Make empowered and informed choices in your day to day life. While this is true in Europe to a certain extent, it is s much bigger issue in the US.


What has been the hardest part about moving to US?

I ran into a lot of small challenges but no massive hurdles. Being far away from my family is probably the most challenging at the moment, especially since I’ve had my son. It would be great to have my mom driving distance away.

What is your favorite memory of living in US?

Meeting & marrying my husband. And going to Hawaii! I love that place. 

Any places / activities you would recommend to people planning on visiting NY / Austin?

NY: The Cloisters, West Village on a Sunday, Smorgasburg, all the speakeasies you can find, New York Public Library, outdoor cinema in Bryant Park.

Austin: Sculpture Falls, Lady Bird lake trail, Armadillo den for live music, Musashino Sushi for outstanding sushi, Barton Springs, Wineries in the Hill Country

Can people follow you on social media?


DM me! I love hearing from people and connecting! Let’s not be awkward social media people, let’s be real people! 


Sydney, Australia - Jessica


Rotterdam, The Netherlands - Tung Tung