Rotterdam, The Netherlands - Tung Tung


Where are you originally from?

I’m born in 1990 and lived in Malaysia all my life until 2007.

What is your profession?

I’m a Research Intelligence Advisor at a Dutch university. I help directors and deans of the schools make strategic choices with big data and analytics.

How long have you lived in The Netherlands?

I’ve lived in The Netherlands for about 11 years now, but not consecutively. In between these years, I’ve lived and worked in Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Austria, Finland and China.

Why did you move to the Netherlands, specifically Rotterdam?

Truly, it’s the ‘no bullshit’ work ethic and straight forward attitude of the Dutch people. My uncle and family live here so it was an affordable study abroad opportunity for my bachelor degree.


What is particular about Dutch culture?

The Dutch cuisine and the weather, it can only be experienced, not told.

What is your favorite thing about Rotterdam?

The freedom to be, I always feel like I can be myself and there’s no need to impress nor pretend in this society.

What would you recommend to people who are thinking of moving to Rotterdam?

Though it’s small, it’s an exciting place to be. It has changed so much the past 10 years and with it, housing prices have risen dramatically. It can be difficult to get a place to stay, so be prepared for the search. However, there are many arts and cultural activities, and plenty of international cuisines and shops here. You won’t be bored.

What are some things that in your opinion people do not realize about The Netherlands?

It’s more than tulips, marijuana and prostitution. We have terrible weather. All the typical touristy images that you saw online about the Netherlands with beautiful sunny weather, only happens for less than 3 months in the entire year. Be prepared for rain.

What has been the hardest part about moving to The Netherlands?

I never got used to the weather. I just move to another sunny European town whenever I get the chance.

What is your favorite memory of living in Rotterdam?

So many, it’s hard to choose. I spent most of my young adulthood here, so try to imagine all the house parties were my favourites.

Any places / activities you would recommend to people planning on visiting the Netherlands?

As a foodie, I have a long list of restaurants you should try in Rotterdam, Den Haag and Amsterdam. But you will have to DM me for this list. Dutch museums are a lot of fun, so do visit a few if you have a chance.

Can people follow you on social media?

Yes, it’s @snackytungtung.


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