Berlin, Germany - Luisa

Where are you originally from? 

This is a complicated question because I am half German and half Brazilian. 

I was born in Heidelberg, Germany, lived there until I was eight when my family and I  moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

What is your profession? 

I am a B2B Marketing Manager at Zalando, an e-commerce company based in Berlin. 

How long have you lived in Berlin? 

I’ve been living in Berlin for a little over 2 years now. Unfortunately a good part of it has been during the pandemic. 

Why did you move to Berlin?

Right after high school I moved to Los Angeles for university. After I graduated I was ready for a new experience and I thought, why not move back to the country I was born in? That’s when I got the opportunity to intern at the fashion brand Hugo Boss located in a small town in the south of Germany. This was my first step being back in Germany. But having always lived in big cities I was looking for jobs in big cities. And that is when I got the job at Zalando, which is in Berlin. So in the end, my job is what brought me to Berlin.

What is particular about Berlin culture? 

People say that Berlin, the capital of Germany, isn’t German. There are so many international people here it’s crazy! 

What I find most particular about Berlin is that there isn’t just one culture. You can be who you want without being judged. You can see all kinds of stuff here and it will feel normal :) 

What is your favorite thing about Berlin?

There are a few things. Berlin is a great city to be at during the summer. It is so nice to get on your bike and bike around to all the different parks and lakes and just spend the day with your friends outdoors. Berlin also has so many restaurants, and from so many different cuisines/cultures! You can go to one new restaurant every day and you still wouldn’t have been to all of them within two years.

Another cool thing is that in Berlin everything is a little more casual. After work or on the weekends, you stop at a Späti (like a bodega), get yourself a beer and just hang out at the Späti or park with your friends. You can literally find a Späti on every corner.

One last favorite thing about Berlin is that they are very vegetarian/vegan friendly. As a vegetarian myself I appreciate that very much. 

What would you recommend to people who are thinking of moving to Berlin? 

Before moving to Berlin I would suggest reading a little more about how it is to live here. Berlin is not your typical city. It is very liberal in some aspects, to the point where it could be a bit shocking for some people. But if you are ready to experience lots of cultures, styles, etc… Berlin is your place. Another very important thing to know, be prepared to always carry cash. A lot of places in Berlin do not accept credit cards. 

Also, even though English is widely spoken, people coming from overseas need to know that several places only speak German.

What are some things that in your opinion people do not realize about Berlin? 

What people don’t realize about Berlin is that, even though Berlin is a city where you can be who you are, it can be difficult to fit in. At the end of the day there is a big techno music culture and there is a certain type of style here.

What has been the hardest part about moving to Berlin? 

For me the hardest part is the weather. I’m someone that grew up and lived most of my life in warm countries and living in a country that has all four seasons is an adjustment. 

The summers are very short, however it’s nice to see how much everyone appreciates and enjoys the summer. But around October it becomes very grey in Berlin.  

What is your favorite memory of living in Berlin? 

My favorite memory of living in Berlin is actually to be living in Europe again. Traveling around Europe is so easy. I love being able to just drive, take a train or airplane and within a few hours you are in a different country. This summer I had so much fun traveling to Spain. 

Any places / activities you would recommend to people planning on visiting Berlin? 

First of all I would recommend coming in the summer. You will be able to enjoy Berlin so much more. To experience the Berlin lifestyle I would recommend going to some of the famous parks and just hang out and have some beers. Some parks I would recommend are the famous Tiergarten, Mauerpark which is known for their flea market on the weekends and Tempelhofer Feld  which used to be an Airport. 

I would also recommend exploring the surroundings of Berlin. Go to Potsdam and walk around the city center and visit the Sanssouci palace or go to Spreewald. Spreewald is known for their canals, you can rent a Kayak and explore the canals. 

Can people follow you on social media?

Sure! You can follow me HERE.


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Barcelona, Spain - Karolina