Prague, Czech Republic - Samantha

Where are you originally from?

I'm half Czech and half American. I was born in the U.S. but grew up traveling abroad. My family lived in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and The Hague, the Netherlands. I guess I think of myself as "from" California, since that's where I lived a good chunk of my adult life.

What is your profession?

I'm a content manager and freelance journalist working at The Adecco Group right now.

How long have you lived in Prague?

I've lived in Prague for two years now, and we moved here two weeks before the lockdown in 2020!

Why did you move to Prague?

I grew up living abroad, and when I returned to the U.S. for university, it never quite felt the same. I always wanted to go back and live abroad, if I could, later in life. Fast forward many years, and me and my fiance decided to just do it - and we found jobs, packed up, and moved right over. We've loved it ever since!

What is particular about culture in Prague?

Prague is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful cities in the world - and the people are unique in their own way. It was a big shift from living in San Diego, California! The city is so safe and the people tend to be more family-oriented. I personally think Czechs have the funniest sense of humor: dark and cynical. There's so much history and culture packed into such a small space with such a big expat community that it's truly a unique place to live and visit.

What is your favorite thing about Prague?

How can I pick just one favorite thing about Prague? I appreciate all the small elements that make this place feel like home: finding my favorite restaurants, understanding how to navigate through the city, appreciating the beauty all around you, and of course lots of kolac!

What would you recommend to people who are thinking of moving to Prague?

Learn Czech! It's not the easiest language to learn, by any means, but Czechs really appreciate the effort, and it can get you out of some awkward experiences. For example, the bureaucracy here can be really intense and frustrating, but it really helps to know a few phrases of Czech. Many Czechs, especially outside of Prague, don't know much English.

What are some things that in your opinion people do not realize about Prague?

In my experience, a lot of foreign visitors may still think of Prague, and the Czech Republic, as this former East Bloc country that might not be up to their standards. But many people don't realize that Prague, and Czech Republic, is more than just cheap beer and bachelor parties. In my eyes, it's a magical city with so much to offer, and there's honestly no place like it.

What has been the hardest part about moving to Prague?

The hardest part about moving to Prague is being far away from my family. Moving here has no doubt been the right decision for me and my fiance, but we miss our family back in the U.S., and that's been especially true during the pandemic. Leaving your family and saying goodbye never gets any easier. That, and the cold weather is terrible!

What is your favorite memory of living in Prague?

I have so many favorite memories, it's hard to pick! The first one that comes to mind: I remember growing up, my sister and I would take a train into Prague and just walk all around the city from the train station.

Any places or activities you would recommend to people who are planning visiting Prague?

I'm a little bit of a sucker and I love the classic tourist spots in Prague. I remember the first time I went to the Klementinum years ago, I was blown away by the beauty and the history. However, my favorite part about Czech Republic is visiting the areas outside of Prague. There are so many beautiful spots (Hluboka Castle, Konopiste, Sumava National Park, etc) outside of Prague that most people rarely think to visit.

Can people follow you on social media?

You can find me on social media on Instagram: @samanthatatro. I also have a blog which you can follow here.


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Berlin, Germany - Luisa