New York City, USA - Jenni


Where are you originally from? 

I’m originally from Denmark.

What is your profession? 

I did my Master’s in Fashion Marketing here in NYC and I now work for a NYC based company in their Soho store. Besides that I work freelance with SEO and content creation. 

How long have you lived in NYC? 

I have been here since the summer 2019 so it will be two years now.

Why did you move to NYC?

I did an internship in NYC back in 2017 and I loved the city so much that I knew I had to come back for a longer term. I decided to pursue my Master’s here in the city which I absolutely loved! I got so many questions about being an international student here that I ended up making a YouTube video about it. You can find it here. I am still loving the city so much that I hope to stay for a little longer. 


What is particular about NYC culture? 

I think what is special about NYC is that people come from all over the world. Everyone is ‘new’ to the city so in general people are just very open and accommodating. It really is a melting pot of so many cultures. 

What is your favorite thing about NYC?

It may sound a bit clichè but I kind of love that the city never sleeps. I love that it holds so many different restaurants, shops and amusements. One of my favorite things to do in the city is definitely people-watching. I imagine what the fancy-looking Park Avenue woman’s life is like and what the cool Soho type does for a living. I guess all the movies just make you dream a little. 

What would you recommend to people who are thinking of moving to NYC?

I would say ‘take the leap’. You can always go back if it doesn’t work out as you hoped. I know it’s easier said than done but if fear held back I would have never moved to NY. Do as much research as you can before moving here. Figure out your options. I found a lot of blog posts and YT videos that were super helpful. I even use my own channel to share some apartment hunt advice because I have learned some things over time.

What are some things that in your opinion people do not realize about NYC?

I must say that I have met a lot of people who were shocked about how expensive rent is in NYC. I knew that it was expensive and often times I have to explain to people that I am aware that you can get a much bigger place for half the price so many other places. But NYC is the city I want to be in. What you get in NYC is unique. Not everyone prefer the NYC lifestyle which I understand will make it so much harder to imagine that anyone would pay that kind of rent. 

What’s the hardest thing about moving to NYC?

The hardest thing when I first moved was the uncertainty of moving so far away and not knowing that I would love it here. I always remind myself of I quote I have in a poster: ‘Better an Oops than a What if’. It’s rare that we regret trying but we often end up regretting the things we didn’t go for because we were too afraid at the time. 

I obviously love it here but being far away from my family is definitely a constant struggle. Also, since Danish culture is what I grew up with I definitely miss certain things, foods, holidays etc. that I will only have in Denmark. I love the NYC life so much but I think I will always be torn between the two places. When I’m in New York too long I really miss Denmark and vice versa. 

What is your favorite memory of living in NYC? 

I think my favorite NYC memory is jet skiing on the Hudson River during sunset. We would come all close to the Statue of Liberty, One World Trade Center and the Brooklyn Bridge. A very unique experience that will be in my memories for a very long time. Overall, I try to just take all the moments in. It’s easy to forget where you are when everyday life calls but every time I look out my window and see the beautiful skyline or go for a run along Hudson River or a stroll in Central Park I am reminded of how lucky I am to call this place my home. 

Any places / activities you would recommend to people planning on visiting NYC? 

If you are here in the summer I would definitely recommend keeping an eye out for Free Outdoor Movie Nights. I have a great memory from watching ‘Dirty Dancing’ on a big screen in Bryant Park along with hundreds (if not thousands) of other New Yorkers and the atmosphere there was just so unique. You would have to experience it yourself. 

If you feel in a touristy mood I would definitely recommend going to the observation deck of One World. It is really spectacular to see all of Manhattan from the very bottom of the island. In my opinion it’s so much more worth the money than going to Rockefeller or The Empire Stare Building. I will say that I have still yet to try The Edge at Hudson Yards. It looks pretty spectacular on photos so that is definitely on my list. 

Can people follow you on social media? 

Absolutely! I love to share my NYC moments on my Instagram @byjennip and I often upload NYC vlogs and more informative videos on my YouTube channel here.


Prague, Czech Republic - Vanessa


The Hague, The Netherlands - Alice