Prague, Czech Republic - Vanessa


Where are you originally from?

I’m originally from Southern California. I grew up in Diamond Bar and have lived in Orange County and Los Angeles.

What is your profession?

I am an English Teacher and I own a clothing boutique with my husband in Prague called Pacer. You can find us at and on insta @pacer_cz.

How long have you lived in Prague?

I have lived in Prague for 6 years :)

Why did you move to Prague?

I moved to Prague to take a break from my job and do some traveling. I had never been to Europe before and really wanted to take a 6 month to 1 year break to experience a different way of life. 6 years later, I’m still here :) I kept extending my stay as I slowly fell in love with the slower pace lifestyle of the CZ vs. in Los Angeles. I have more time for hobbies and hangouts with friends and don’t feel the constant pressure to climb the career ladder.


What is particular about Czech culture?

I really love how family oriented Czechs are. It feels like every weekend my friends are going home to visit their parents or their parents are coming to visit them. In the US, a big part of American culture is being independent and showing that you’re capable of accomplishing something on your own which means you usually move to the other side of the country in order to prove it. Here in the CZ people are more concerned about how far they are from family since they’re such a big role in their lives.

What is your favorite thing about Prague?

I love how easy it is to get around the city. Public transportation is amazing and easy. I don’t have to have a car I can take a tram , metro or bus from any point and get where I need to be. It’s so convenient!

What would you recommend to people who are thinking of moving to Prague?

I would suggest watching some YouTube videos about Czech culture and what it’s like to live here (my favorites are Honest Prague Guide and Dream Prague). There are some small social and cultural differences that could save movers from awkward moments if they get down the basics. Like having to bag your own groceries at the grocery store. The first time I went to the grocery store I just stared at the cashier after I paid and was yelled at by both her and the lady behind me for not grabbing my things and getting out of the way. By this point, our groceries were already mixed together. A small uncomfortable moment that could have been avoided had I just known =D

What are some things that in your opinion people do not realize about Prague?

I watch Youtubers and influencers all the time show Prague from the perspective of Old Town Square. The tourist traps and overpriced restaurants in the city center. But in reality, Prague is so much more than just the center. There are so many neighborhoods filled with unique sculptures, craft beer pubs, and delicious restaurants that are just minutes from the most visited areas.


What has been the hardest part about moving to Prague?

Since I’m from Southern California I’m used to one season : Summer. The Czech Republic has all four seasons. I appreciate much more now the sunny days and warm weather since Winter can sometimes last from November until May. Or it at least feels that way.

What is your favorite memory of living in Prague?

There are so many !! I think I will never forget my first day in Prague. How I left my flat and walked out onto the sidewalk and went one block and then ran back inside. Everything was so different and so foreign to me. I couldn’t even find where the street signs were or the addresses ! It was so scary and exciting at the same time. The possibilities seemed endless and being somewhere so completely new is such an unforgettable feeling.

Any places / activities you would recommend to people planning on visiting Prague?

Yes! I would definitely recommend visiting Vinohrady and Karlin. These are my favorite neighborhoods. In Vinohrady my favorite square is Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad. There’s a beautiful church there and it’s surrounded by cafes , restaurants and bars. You can grab a drink or some food and just hang out on a bench and people watch.

If you get to the CZ you should also take a trip outside of the city. There are so many beautiful forests ! It’s so easy to hop on a train and go on a few hour hike and then be back in the city by the evening. I love České Švýcarsko and Kokořín.

Can people follow you on social media?

Yes! I have a food account @vanessaeatsprague where I share my day to day life in the city along with all of my foodie adventures.


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