Rome, Italy - Jana


Where are you originally from?
Prague, CZ

What is your profession?
Communication Specialist for the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture at the United Nations.

How long have you lived in Rome?
7 years

Why did you move to Rome?
I moved here for my Maters Degree. I fell in love with the eternal city and decided to stay “forever”.


What is particular about Italian culture?
EVERYTHING. Yes, it’s part of the Mediterranean culture, but Italian culture is particular on its own. The coffee culture (no cappuccino after lunch, espresso after each meal, no takeaway coffee). By living in Italy, I learned how to enjoy the small things in life, not to stress about things that don’t matter and simply enjoy life! The importance of family. Having dinner with your friends is a celebration, an event. It’s normal you dine for 3-4 hours. Oh, and I cant imagine my life without aperitivo time anymore!

What is your favorite thing about Rome?
It’s an open museum. Every corner is unique. The city is different by day and by night. Everyone has its own favorite piazza, favorite coffee place, favorite rooftop, favorite aperitivo spot. At the end of the day, it’s like a small village. Everyone knows everyone and you always bump into people you know.

What would you recommend to people who are thinking of moving to Rome?
Be patient ! Nothing really works in this city, but at the end of the day you get used to it and it adds to the beauty of living in Rome in a particular way. Things take way tooooo long, like waiting for the bill for example, but after a certain period of time you learn, that while waiting you appreciate the surroundings a bit more and you can focus on the details of the buildings, watch people passing by or have another coffee. Try to understand the meaning of “la dolce vita”, Rome is one of the few place one can truly experience it.

What are some things that in your opinion people do not realize about Rome?
You have to be a strong character to live in Rome. It’s not easy as a foreigner. Sometimes you win and sometimes Rome does. But I can’t imagine living anywhere else at this point. It’s a chaotic city in its own way, but once you accept it, there is no way going back.


What has been the hardest part about moving to Rome?
Getting used to the disorganization of the city. The bureaucracy is insane. The traffic and how people drive ? God help you. People are ALWAYS late. Please don’t be on time! There are even specific ways on how to cross streets in Rome. Learning how to slow down, don’t stress too much. It’s absolutely fine to take a day off for yourself and simply do nothing (il dolce far niente). I must say whenever I go back to Prague, I notice that I have adapted these Roman patterns, and i adore it.

What is your favorite memory of living in Rome?

The first time I visited Rome with my parents, I threw a coin into Fontana di Trevi. They say if you do so you will return to Rome. I did make a wish of once living in this breathtaking city. Well, few month later I was unpacking my bags close to Piazza Navona. Until today it is still my favorite place ever. The majestic Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi by my favorite Bernini in front of the church by Boromini is truly breathtaking.

Any places / activities you would recommend to people planning on visiting Rome?

Take your time. Walk slowly. Look around. Explore. Enjoy. Breathe. Smile. Rome is always full of surprises. Visit the main Roman attractions, but take the small streets and let Rome take the lead. I promise it will be a life changing experience. Whenever you are in a restaurant, ask for recommendations, you would be surprised how many amazing dishes they don’t have on the menu and are seasonal.

Can people follow you on social media?

Unfortunately my social media is for friends and family only . Maybe soon there will be a blog dedicated to Rome :)


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Prague, Czech Republic - Vanessa